/manager/Index en-au 5 Polymer Photodetectors for Printable, Flexible, and Fully Tissue Equivalent X-Ray Detection with Zero-Bias Operation and Ultrafast Temporal Responses /manager/Repository/uon:47083 Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:49:52 AEDT ]]> Role of stabilizing surfactants on capacitance, charge, and ion transport in organic nanoparticle-based electronic devices /manager/Repository/uon:35266 Wed 24 May 2023 12:22:28 AEST ]]> Improved field emission stability from single-walled carbon nanotubes chemically attached to silicon /manager/Repository/uon:17015 −1 and high electric field enhancement factor of 3,965. The Si-SWCNT electrodes were shown to maintain a current density of >740 μA cm−2 for 15 h with negligible change in applied voltage. The results indicate that adhesion strength between the SWCNTs and substrate is a much greater factor in field emission stability than previously reported.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:18:51 AEST ]]> Field emission from single-, double-, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes chemically attached to silicon /manager/Repository/uon:15214 Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:05:55 AEST ]]> The short-term reduction of uranium by nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI): role of oxide shell, reduction mechanism and the formation of U(v)-carbonate phases /manager/Repository/uon:32238 VI) with fresh, (anoxic) aged and corroded nZVI particles was investigated under aqueous conditions conducive to the formation of thermodynamically stable U(VI)-Ca-CO₃ ternary aqueous complexes. The first stage of the reaction between U(VI) and nZVI was assigned to sorption processes with the formation of surface U(VI)-carbonate complexes. Aged nZVI removed U(VI) faster than either fresh or corroded nZVI and it is hypothesized that U reduction initially occurs through the transfer of one electron from Fe(II) in the nZVI surface oxide layer. Evidence for reduction to U(V) was obtained through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and by determination of U-O bond distances of ~2.05 and 2.27 Å, using U LIII -edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which are similar to those observed for the U(v) site in the mixed U(v)/U(VI) carbonate mineral wyartite. Scanning transmission electron microscopy also demonstrated that U was present as a nanoparticulate phase after one day of reaction, rather than a surface complex. Further reduction to U(IV), as observed in previous studies, would appear to be rate-limiting and coincident with the transformation of this meta-stable U-carbonate phase to uraninite (UO).]]> Tue 15 May 2018 16:00:13 AEST ]]> Tunable solution-processable anodic exfoliated graphene /manager/Repository/uon:42074 80%) and a low degree of oxidation with a C/O ratio of 16.9. The graphene solution-processability is readily tuned and improved with stable dispersions up to 5 mg/mL in dimethylformamide. This new strategy of a simple and low cost dual purpose additive in scavenging hydroxyl radicals and providing an oxidative prevention layer to efficiently tune the graphene quality and solution-processability; holds promise in industrial scale mass production of high quality graphene.]]> Thu 18 Aug 2022 09:48:18 AEST ]]> Taxonomy through the lens of neutral helium microscopy /manager/Repository/uon:44083 Arabidopsis thaliana) and fauna (Heterodontus portusjacksoni). In concert with the delicate nature of neutral helium atom beam microscopy, the stereophotogrammetry technique provides the means to derive comprehensive taxonomical data without the risk of sample degradation due to the imaging process.]]> Thu 06 Oct 2022 15:13:27 AEDT ]]> Fast neutral atom microscopy: an optimisation framework for stagnation detectors /manager/Repository/uon:46829 Thu 01 Dec 2022 10:07:44 AEDT ]]> Comparison of inorganic electron transport layers in fully roll-to-roll coated/printed organic photovoltaics in normal geometry /manager/Repository/uon:29959 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:30:59 AEDT ]]> Nano-pathways: bridging the divide between water-processable nanoparticulate and bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaics /manager/Repository/uon:28349 g) and amorphous nature, compared to the commonly applied semicrystalline polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). This study reports the optimisation of TQ1:PC71BM (phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester) NP-OPV device performance by the application of mild thermal annealing treatments in the range of the Tg (sub-Tg and post-Tg), both in the active layer drying stage and post-cathode deposition annealing stage of device fabrication, and an in-depth study of the effect of these treatments on nanoparticle film morphology. In addition, we report a type of morphological evolution in nanoparticle films for OPV active layers that has not previously been observed, that of PC71BM nano-pathway formation between dispersed PC71BM-rich nanoparticle cores, which have the benefit of making the bulk film more conducive to charge percolation and extraction.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:10 AEDT ]]> Reduced uranium phases produced from anaerobic reaction with nanoscale zerovalent iron /manager/Repository/uon:25215 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:59 AEDT ]]> Manipulating the orientation of an organic adsorbate on silicon: a NEXAFS study of acetophenone on Si(001) /manager/Repository/uon:23892 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:39 AEDT ]]> Sub-resolution contrast in neutral helium microscopy through facet scattering for quantitative imaging of nanoscale topographies on macroscopic surfaces /manager/Repository/uon:50778 Sat 05 Aug 2023 10:20:13 AEST ]]> Magnetically separable mesoporous alginate polymer beads assist adequate removal of aqueous methylene blue over broad solution pH /manager/Repository/uon:38993 intraparticle diffusion (R2 = 0.93) > pseudo-first-order (R2 = 0.87). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping demonstrated that MB has a co-distribution with silicon, aluminium, and alginate carbon phase but is limited with iron and nickel, indicating HNTs and alginate polymer performed as sorption sites, whereas NiZnFe4O4 performed as a catalyst. The presence (post-sorption) and absence (pre-sorption) of inorganic, total carbon or total organic carbon content at different solution pH, contact time, and initial concentration of MB demonstrated that the adsorbent act as a catalyst as well for degradation of MB. NiZnFe4O4-HNT@alg triggers efficient removal of MB with the assist of adsorption and catalytic degradation at broad solution pH. A comparison in removal of MB by various adsorbents including, biochars, clays, activated carbon, nanoparticles, polymers, nano composites, graphene oxides, carbon nanotubes, and polymer beads with the result of this study were performed, illustrating competitive sorption capacity of NiZnFe4O4-HNT@alg.]]> Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:52:42 AEDT ]]> Nanomorphology of eco-friendly colloidal inks, relating non-fullerene acceptor surface energy to structure formation /manager/Repository/uon:39326 −2) and eh-IDTBR (18.3 mJ m−2). This article is the first report of a flipped nanoparticle core–shell morphology comprising an NFA-rich shell for the miniemulsion synthesis route. The composition of the shells and cores was able to be controlled by the differential mismatch in the surface energy of the donor and acceptor materials, with ΔGsurface > 0, ΔGsurface = 0, and ΔGsurface < 0 for acceptor core–donor shell, molecularly intermixed, and acceptor shell–donor core, respectively. Accordingly, we introduce an entirely overlooked new figure of merit (FoM) for customizing nanoparticulate colloidal inks: tunable surface energy of non-fullerene-based semiconductors. The establishment of this FoM opens up electroactive material design to a wide range of functional printing applications with varying device and ink structure requirements, thereby reshaping the nanoengineering toolkit for waterborne colloidal dispersions and hence printed electronics.]]> Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:52:33 AEDT ]]> Low-Temperature CVD-Grown Graphene Thin Films as Transparent Electrode for Organic Photovoltaics /manager/Repository/uon:52029 Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:35:17 AEDT ]]> Unravelling donor-acceptor film morphology formation for environmentally-friendly OPV ink formulations /manager/Repository/uon:46422 rational choice of solvent approach as opposed to the usual trial-and-error methods. We demonstrate here that we can achieve a bicontinuous interpenetrating network with nanoscale phase separation for the chosen donor–acceptor material system poly[2,3-bis-(3-octyloxyphenyl)quinoxaline-5,8-diyl-alt-thiophene-2,5-diyl]:phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester (TQ1:PC61BM) when processing from green solvent ink formulations. This structure is achieved by first calculating the Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) of the donor and acceptor materials, followed by careful choice of solvents with selective relative solubilities for the two materials based on the desired order of precipitation necessary for forming a nanostructured interdigitated network morphology. We found that the relative distances in Hansen space (Ra) between TQ1 and the primary solvent, on the one hand, and PC61BM and the primary solvent, on the other hand, could be correlated to the donor–acceptor morphology for the formulations based on the solvents d-limonene, anisole, and 2-methyl anisole, as well as the halogenated reference solvent o-dichlorobenzene. This nanostructured blend film morphology was characterised with scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the film surface composition was analysed by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. Hansen solubility theory, based on solution thermodynamics, has been used and we propose an HSP-based method that is a general platform for the rational design of ink formulations for solution-based organic electronics, in particular facilitating the green solvent transition of organic photovoltaics. Our results show that the bulk heterojunction morphology for a donor–acceptor system processed from customised solvent mixtures can be predicted by the HSP-based method with good reliability.]]> Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:05:22 AEDT ]]> The role of surface energy control in organic photovoltaics based on solar paints /manager/Repository/uon:44254 Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:04:22 AEDT ]]> Engineering Two-Phase and Three-Phase Microstructures from Water-Based Dispersions of Nanoparticles for Eco-Friendly Polymer Solar Cell Applications /manager/Repository/uon:44553 Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:56:34 AEDT ]]> Optimization, characterization and upscaling of aqueous solar nanoparticle inks for organic photovoltaics using low-cost donor: acceptor blend /manager/Repository/uon:37152 Mon 24 Aug 2020 11:10:54 AEST ]]> Temperature-modulated doping at polymer semiconductor interfaces /manager/Repository/uon:38868 Fri 25 Mar 2022 11:12:33 AEDT ]]> Roll-to-roll solvent annealing of printed P3HT : ICXA devices /manager/Repository/uon:37794 Fri 23 Apr 2021 11:04:28 AEST ]]> Environmentally friendly preparation of nanoparticles for organic photovoltaics /manager/Repository/uon:35933 alt-5,10-bis((2-hexyldecyl)oxy)dithieno[3,2-c:3',2'-h][1,5]naphthyridine-2,7-diyl] (PTNT) and fullerene blend utilizing chloroform as well as a non-chlorinated and environmentally benign solvent, o-xylene, as the miniemulsion dispersed phase solvent. The nanoparticles (NPs) in the solid-state film were found to coalesce and offered a smooth surface topography upon thermal annealing. Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) with photoactive layer processed from the nanoparticle dispersions prepared using chloroform as the miniemulsion dispersed phase solvent were found to have a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 1.04%, which increased to 1.65% for devices utilizing NPs prepared from o-xylene. Physical, thermal and optical properties of NPs prepared using both chloroform and o-xylene were systematically studied using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and correlated to their photovoltaic properties. The PL results indicate different morphology of NPs in the solid state were achieved by varying miniemulsion dispersed phase solvent.]]> Fri 19 Jun 2020 12:14:42 AEST ]]>